The 4th grade 犹太人的研究 program responds to the developmental needs and interests of emerging young Jewish girls and boys. 基于Derech Eretz Kadmah La 'Torah的基础, "礼仪是学习Torah的先决条件", the curriculum is designed to promote intellectual curiosity and foster individual and communal responsibility. Daily and weekly lessons are enriched with activities that nurture Jewish identity and pride and sustain interpersonal growth.
认识到21世纪技术的教育价值, students enjoy and benefit from integrating creative digital tools into their coursework and special projects.
我们从Tefillat Shacharit开始新的一天:Birkot HaTorah, Birchot HaShachar, P 'sukei D 'zimra, Birkot Kriyat Shema, Shema, Amida, Aleinu, 和Tehillim. 全年, students develop a general understanding of the Tefillot and laws of Tefillah and work on an in depth knowledge of the Amida.
使用L 'havin U ' lehasskill课程, 我们用精选的拉希德深入研究了以下的拉希德:
永永永,永永永,永永永,永永永,ויצא. These sections begin with Jacob running away from home after receiving the birthright and starting a new life in Charan. 雅各回到了他的家乡,遇到了他的兄弟以撒. 故事继续到约瑟和他的兄弟们以及他们移居埃及. 我们强调从一个家庭到一个民族的转变.
We develop an understanding of “Shivim Panim Latorah” -- there are seventy interpretations to the Torah. 我们分析雅各和他儿子们的行为, and debate the ways we think situations played out based on different readings of the text.
先知书- - - - - - - - - - - - -
We study about the leadership transitioning from Moshe to Joshua; about the Jewish people entering the land of Canaan, 征服土地,瓜分财产. 学生们熟悉了早期以色列的地理.
法律和习俗- - - - - - - - - - -
特别强调的是犹太节日:背景, 掌握关键词汇, 祈祷, 习俗和习俗. 此外,我们使用的工作手册,作为一个基本的犹太知识的来源书.
犹太历史和犹太复国主义- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
我们使用伊兰大学Lookstein中心的犹太复国主义课程. 这些单位包括:北方挑战, 第一次回归, 回家和为耶路撒冷而战,1947-1967.
解说员小传- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We study about the lives and contributions of numerous Commentators from the era of the Second Beit Hamikdash until the present.
我们回顾Torah部分的亮点并分享Divrei Torah.
The students are introduced to classical phrases taken from the Torah and Talmud to enrich and inspire their weekly learning.