


  • 希伯来语

    在四年级,我们继续Tal Am项目.  作为“团结班”,我们的目标包括
    • Increased reading comprehension and writing skills through the study of texts and sayings of our sages, 用规则的镜头来表现良好的行为举止
    • 通过歌曲不断提高会话和听力技能, 短剧, 组工作, 和演示
    • 通过项目和演讲进行创造性写作
    • 通过补充练习册继续学习语法主题, 包括现在, past, 不定式, 所有格, 句型的改进
  • 犹太人的研究

    The 4th grade 犹太人的研究 program responds to the developmental needs and interests of emerging young Jewish girls and boys. 基于Derech Eretz Kadmah La 'Torah的基础, "礼仪是学习Torah的先决条件", the curriculum is designed to promote intellectual curiosity and foster individual and communal responsibility. Daily and weekly lessons are enriched with activities that nurture Jewish identity and pride and sustain interpersonal growth.
    认识到21世纪技术的教育价值, students enjoy and benefit from integrating creative digital tools into their coursework and special projects.
    我们从Tefillat Shacharit开始新的一天:Birkot HaTorah, Birchot HaShachar, P 'sukei D 'zimra, Birkot Kriyat Shema, Shema, Amida, Aleinu, 和Tehillim. 全年, students develop a general understanding of the Tefillot and laws of Tefillah and work on an in depth knowledge of the Amida.
    使用L 'havin U ' lehasskill课程, 我们用精选的拉希德深入研究了以下的拉希德:
    永永永,永永永,永永永,永永永,ויצא. These sections begin with Jacob running away from home after receiving the birthright and starting a new life in Charan. 雅各回到了他的家乡,遇到了他的兄弟以撒. 故事继续到约瑟和他的兄弟们以及他们移居埃及. 我们强调从一个家庭到一个民族的转变.

    We develop an understanding of “Shivim Panim Latorah” -- there are seventy interpretations to the Torah. 我们分析雅各和他儿子们的行为, and debate the ways we think situations played out based on different readings of the text. 
    先知书- - - - - - - - - - - - -
    We study about the leadership transitioning from Moshe to Joshua; about the Jewish people entering the land of Canaan, 征服土地,瓜分财产. 学生们熟悉了早期以色列的地理.
    法律和习俗- - - - - - - - - - -
    特别强调的是犹太节日:背景, 掌握关键词汇, 祈祷, 习俗和习俗. 此外,我们使用的工作手册,作为一个基本的犹太知识的来源书.
    犹太历史和犹太复国主义- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    我们使用伊兰大学Lookstein中心的犹太复国主义课程. 这些单位包括:北方挑战, 第一次回归, 回家和为耶路撒冷而战,1947-1967.
    解说员小传- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    We study about the lives and contributions of numerous Commentators from the era of the Second Beit Hamikdash until the present.
    我们回顾Torah部分的亮点并分享Divrei Torah.

    The students are introduced to classical phrases taken from the Torah and Talmud to enrich and inspire their weekly learning.
  • 语言艺术

    四年级的ELA项目, 基于平衡的识字概念, focuses on the important introduction of learning how to read and decipher informational, textbook-based材料. Textbooks and informational articles constitute the basis of comprehension skill building for both social studies and science, 这些学习单元将在后面讨论. ELA项目包括多种形式, 包括文学界, 独立阅读, 口语阅读, 大声朗读(由老师朗读各种材料给学生听), 以及公开演讲. (全年, class members have several opportunities to give a short presentation on a predetermined topic to their classmates.)

    这个领域还包括做笔记的技巧, 识别主旨和相关细节, 分块信息(将类似的细节链接在一起), 以词汇用法为基础, 以及各种语法基础技能.

    写作部分侧重于写作“紧凑”,” concise on-topic paragraphs which use a greater complexity of sentence structure and variety of transitional and linking words. 由于写作涉及的主题种类繁多, 它可以有多种形式, 比如个人叙事, 比较和对比文章, 或短, 对一个过程或概念的详细解释.
  • Math

    四年级的数学课程遵循纽约大学的核心课程. This program emphasizes both computation skills and building an understanding of concepts and processes involved, as well as learning and applying strategies for solving a variety of math word problems.
    1. 地方价值和金钱,
    2. 整数和小数的加减运算,
    3. (2至3位数字)乘以2位数字;
    4. 部门
      1. 有余数的除法,余数的意义,
      2. 把余数写成分数,
      3. 除法和长除法的概念和过程,
      4. 可分性规则,
      5. 发现平均水平,
    5. 写表达式和方程,
    6. 几何与测量
      1. 立体和平面人物
      2. 相等和相似的数字
      3. 运动
      4. 对称
      5. 周长,面积,体积
    7. 解决文字问题的策略
    8. 为期一年的课堂活动,记录和维护最新的“支票簿”, 基于课堂上出于各种原因而例行发放的“钱”
  • 体育课

    威彻斯特走读学校 is committed to a quality 体育课 Program which is an essential part of the core curriculum deserving and receiving equal priority in the total educational philosophy of the school. Research from several scientific studies are in agreement that daily physical activity improves cognitive function, 在课堂上的成就表现, 心理健康, 信心, 自尊, 总的来说,个人的身体健康和体能得到了改善, 让孩子更快乐,更健康. It is with this in mind that each week the students in the lower school (grades 1-5) are provided 4 periods of physical education (30 minutes each).
  • 科学

    In addition to time spent exploring topics in the school’s science lab with the science teacher, the fourth grade also spends class time reading and learning about a variety of science topics. 这种学习包括阅读教材, 听视频, 动手做项目, 玩与主题相关的游戏来巩固所学的概念.

    1. 来自植物的能量:植物部分,生命周期,种植我们自己的植物
    2. 细胞:
      1. 细胞的组成部分
      2. 植物细胞
      3. 动物细胞
    3. 人体系统
      1. 骨骼和肌肉
      2. 呼吸和循环
      3. 消化和神经
      4. 身体的防御
    4. 我们的生态系统:能量的流动
      1. 食物链
      2. 食物网
    5. 电与磁
      1. 分子,指控
      2. 电荷如何流动
      3. 磁性
      4. 电荷:吸引或排斥
    6. 科学工具的使用
      1. 斜面(球和斜面), 连接到运动物体上的单元(速度), 力, 摩擦, 重力, 动力)
      2. 天平(质量)
    7. 矿物和岩石
      1. 矿物质
      2. 火成岩、沉积岩和变质岩
    8. 地球表面的变化
      1. 侵蚀
      2. 饱经风霜的材料
    9. 简单的机器
      1. 杠杆、车轮、轴、斜面、楔、螺钉

    四年级的科学包括生命科学和物理科学.  通过细胞和人体单元,学生们对自己有了更多的了解.  以电和磁为单位, 力和运动, 学生们可以设计自己的电路, 汽车, 以及其他发明.  

  • 社会研究

    The goal of fourth grade social studies is to foster an understanding of the early history and historical developments of the United States, 特别关注纽约州的历史. 内容是通过多种媒介获得的:阅读各种来源, 从实践经验中学习, field trips and participation in Native American and early colonial era games and projects.

    • 史前大陆桥和第一批美洲人的到来
    • 美国纽约州的土著印第安人-易洛魁人和阿尔冈昆人
    • 这些群体如何满足他们对食物、衣服和住所的基本需求
    • How geographic factors and the environment shaped Native American Indian settlement patterns
    • 早期探险家与探险时代:探险的理由
    • 谁是宣称并定居纽约州的欧洲探险家?
    • Native American Indians of New York State and the European encounter: How were Native Americans treated by various explorers?
    • 居住在我们社区的印第安人的文化和贡献
    • 早期的殖民者来自哪里? 他们定居的时间、原因和地点?
    • 殖民地的日常生活是怎样的?
    • 荷兰和英国移民对纽约州的影响
    • 谁组成了一些社会, 经济和宗教团体(朝圣者), 清教徒, 契约仆人, 奴隶, 商人, 农民, 种植园主)
    • 殖民时期纽约的日常生活与今天的日常生活有何不同




威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th grade Jewish school that inspires and educates our students in their own way to value menschlichkeit, 一下, 终身学习.